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Guided tour for children (between 7 and 12 years of age)


  • Foru Plaza: an explanation of the founding of Guernica.
  • The reproduction of Picasso’s “Guernica”: the history of the bombing and a brief history of the painting.
    • We will identify the different characters in Picasso’s painting, and we’ll put the “Guernica” jigsaw puzzle together in groups.
  • The Pasealeku air-raid shelter:
    • A simulation of the bombing: just for a minute we turn the lights off and listen to the sound of bombs exploding. The person in charge of the group will decide whether or not to carry out this simulation.
  • The exterior of the Assembly House:
    • In days gone by, inhabitants of the so-called “Bocineros” or “Horn” mountains would blow on their horns to call the general assemblies And today that’s just what we’re going to do!   
    • We will also emulate the swearing-in of the Lehendakari, reading words spoken by the first Lehendakari, written on a parchment in four languages. 

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90 min 


From Monday to Friday (advance booking required):  10:30 a.m. / 11 a.m.




Basque, Spanish, English.

Information and bookings

Make the reservation for your group

    Name of the group

    No. of people



    Day of your visit

    Time of your visit

    Your home town

    After our tour, have you arranged another tour somewhere else?

    Name and surname(s) of the person in charge of the group

    Email of the person in charge of the group

    Phone of the person in charge of the group


    Other guided tours

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    The Marco Topo Club is a free interactive game for families with children to enjoy making cultural visits.